Friday 23 January 2009

South Africa v Britain

After a wonderful break chilling out under the beautiful blue African sky, I’ve returned to the doom and gloom of Britain – and I am not all too pleased about it. True it is standard for this African’s heart to feel bruised for a while after visiting her homeland but this time it is different.

There seems to have been a reversal of fortune and the world seems turned inside out – very confusing for my little brain. You see while things are actually looking up in South Africa, with the economy still relatively stable and people filled with hope especially with the ANC getting competition from the political party COPE; while in the UK it is all negative. The recession is in full swing – thanks to the pathetic economic leadership and of course the Brits are as pessimistic as ever. Granted they are moaners by nature, but now the air is thick with resounding dejection.

I am almost tempted to flash the birdie to this “woe betides me” nation and return to my quirky third world country. Sure it still has issues like the crime epidemic; random electricity supply; and corruption and nepotism within the government but hey at least our banks are stable and our politicians are more colourful than the pompous Tory leaders or the dull-as-dishwater Labour leaders – even if they are somewhat misguided and unqualified. (And no, having being in prison for political crimes does not count as a qualification!)

I haven’t given up on South Africa yet. Yeah sure even as recently as last year I had all but discounted living in South Africa as an option, but now – who knows. I have a little more hope in my heart for my home; I think I have finally accepted the New South Africa.

One thing that will swing my decision in favour of SA is for the crime issue to be addressed. Living in the UK has taught me that it isn’t normal for law-abiding citizens to live behind bars and in constant fear of being robbed; raped or murdered. I, like many other ex-pats, just can’t return to living in fear so I pray that SA will sort itself out and maybe the government will get its wish for a “brain drain” reversal.

1 comment:

Terri said...

Hell girl, you're even tempting me back now..!