Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Oops I've done it again

Oh geez how on earth do I tell my family that I have quit another job?

This time I lasted all of 3 months before throwing in the towel. This is definitely a new record for me. I have gone into hiding and right now my family back home are blissfully unaware that I have given up my contract and am not even looking for more work. I just don't feel like hearing the disappointment in their voices and being persuaded to "get back on the horse".

I just don't like what I do for a living, it just isn't who I am. I have been consulting in IT for 10 years and am so tired of the same old arguments, trying to meet unrealistic deadlines and well, pretending to give a damn. You see there is no such thing as a smooth running project.

IT is no longer fun - it has become a business run by power hungry individuals who are only in it for themselves. I remember the good old days when no one outside of IT knew what we did. We had a kind of freedom, as the rest of the world tended to steer clear of us geeks. Now everything is about structure, setting deadlines, working crazy hours and playing politics. It has become just another business.

So I am rebelling. I intend on exploring my creative side and living my life.

As for telling my family, I'll send them a postcard from some exotic island.

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